Sunday, October 11, 2009

Punished by the Gods...

This is a model sheet I created in rough pencil for my character, Lyle.

If only I had been smart enough to do the same for a character in a recently created comic, I could have avoided punishment from the Comic Gods. But I guess I had to learn the hard way. I thought the backgrounds were going to be my biggest challenge, so I didn't bother working out the technical details of drawing the character's head from different angles. As a result, I spent more time fixing these issues than on any other aspect of the project.  

Every comic I create seems to have it's own unique surprise curve ball. I can never anticipate what it's going to be until I've waded in past my shoulders. 

So here's the finished Lyle, giving me a "Told-yah-so" lecture on making model sheets.

She's a total gas, can you tell? 

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