Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Costume Freakout Countdown Part 2

OK. Yesterday's idea was too scary, and not the good kind of scary. So I'm throwing out some other possibilities...

There's this:

But then, where the heck am I supposed to find a skateboard??

I could always go TOTALLY exotic and be this:
But then, I don't know. I don't want to look "cheap".

Of course there's always this...

But EVERYONE'S going to be Jimmy this year. And I don't want to be wearing the same thing everyone else is....

AAARRGGH!! Why is this so difficult!!??

I'm going to keep thinking unless you think one of these is a winner.


  1. Haha it would be practical to go as the bug - only because you probably can't sit down in a car as a ham hock :)
